Startups THI Has Helped
Below are a list of startup companies that THI has helped over the years, through programs like the Athens Venture Fair.
Since 2020, we have awarded 57 winners with $915,000 in cash prizes!
Adam Health
Meet Adam: The World's First Erection Health Tracker. Track, Understand, and Take Control of Your Erection Health.
Calculation and issuance of service charges. Billy's mission is for tenants around the world to live together in harmony, saving time, costs, and effort.
Caius is an AI startup using satellite and geomorphological data to map forests, digitize areas, protect ecosystems, and promote sustainability, ecotourism, and rural development with its innovative technology!
Coffeeco transforms coffee waste into valuable resources through innovative, science-driven processes. They are pioneering sustainable solutions in skincare and biobased plastics, contributing to a circular economy.
Boost your impact with data. The ESG Analytics Platform that focuses on the most relevant ESG and Impact metrics just for you, providing data-driven insights, simplifying your sustainability transition roadmap, and effectively communicating your performance.
The Complete Security Enterprise Platform. Industry leading complete cybersecurity platform. Discover your vulnerabilities instantly with automated network penetration testing seamless deployment.
State-of-the-art robotics to address environmental problems. Robenso capitalizes on modern developments in information technology, automation, engineering, and sensor networks, to create high-tech systems that offer new and efficient environmentally friendly solutions ready to replace outdated, ecologically destructive practices.
Visual Intelligence in Decision Making. SciDrones enhance detection and monitoring processes using drone technology and artificial intelligence.
Aigle Health
Aigle Health leverages clinical data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to optimize healthcare delivery and therapy discovery. Our cutting-edge technology provides fast and reliable insights that enable healthcare providers to make informed decisions.
Ultra-precise, AI-based marine forecasts for weather routing solutions to achieve greater performance towards a greener, safer and more cost-efficient maritime
Asklepieia Health Cluster
Asklepieia Health Cluster is a large scale Cooperative network, focusing on Health and wellness tourism.
Η online ψυχοθεραπεία είναι η πρακτική παροχής ψυχολογικών υπηρεσιών η οποία χρησιμοποιεί το Internet και τα ψηφιακά μέσα (ηλεκτρονικό υπολογιστή, tablet, κινητό τηλέφωνο) με στόχο τη διεξαγωγή συνεδριών.
College Link
Find the course for your dream job! Grow your digital skills in the most popular sectors! Get trained online and in Greek by experienced professionals!
Since our founding in 2018, Kleesto has been at the forefront of innovation in the travel industry. With a passion for simplifying the complexities of travel management, we embarked on a mission to empower businesses like yours.
ManaGi is the first Outsourced-Exports Department for companies of Greek F&B and Natural Cosmetics industry.
With MyTeam, you increase engagement with your members by automating the communication with them and you simplify all the processes of your club by minimizing overdue payments with automatic reminders.
Nanoparticles (NPs) are particles in the range of 1-100 nanometers (nm) in size with a surrounding capping agent or otherwise known as stabilizer, surface ligands or passivating agent.
In Pobuca we are creating the next half a billion company that will transform boring CRM software to virtual assistants. We are CRM experts, with the Pobuca suite of 3 cloud products, and we offer turn-key solutions to brands and retailers with software, consulting and integration services.
LingoGalaxy, the cutting-edge online language school that ignites a passion for foreign languages in kids and teens aged 2 to 17.
EVO4HP is a high-tech company which delivers AI-powered BioEngineering solutions to the Sports & Health Industries.
Easy to use, reliable, secure & efficient way to manage your processes & administration from enrollment to alumni and digitalize your organization to save time and money.
From inception, Agritrack strives to innovate within the field of agrifood technology, with guiding directive to become a technological catalyst towards the reduction of global food loss and waste.
The No.1 Marketplace for parents: sell items your kids no longer need & buy your favourite brands at.
Women on Top
Το WoT είναι ένας οργανισμός για την επαγγελματική και οικονομική ενδυνάμωση των γυναικών και την ισότητα στην εργασία.
SciCo is a Non Profit Organisation whose aim is to communicate scientific issues to the public via innovative and entertaining means.
Organization Earth
Our mission is to deliver community-driven change towards a fair and resilient society, as anchored in the UN SGDs.
Odyssea is a nonprofit organization that supports young vulnerable people to have access to employment opportunities in society.
NOSILIA is an independent Non Governmental and Non Profit Organization whose main goal is to provide free medical treatment at home and health services to our fellowmen belonging to susceptible population groups.
Experience how temples and buildings of Ancient Greece really were, using Augmented and Virtual Reality to provide you with on-site visuals.
Mindspace's vision is to contribute to the creation of a framework that would enable people in Greece and the Balkan region to act entrepreneurially in their personal and professional life.
Η εταιρία EV Loader αναπτύσσει το πρώτο ανοιχτό προς όλους δίκτυο φορτιστών στην Ελλάδα και την Νοτιανατολική Ευρώπη.
ingredio is a mobile application, through which the user can take a picture of the ingredients of a cosmetics or food product with a mobile phone, and is informed whether these ingredients are safe or toxic/allergenic or of natural origin according to existing chemical databases.
InAccel offers 1-click deployment of FPGA workloads on premises, on cloud, using Docker, Podman, Singularity or Kubernetes.
Οι άνθρωποι από τις ευπαθείς ομάδες, τις χρόνιες παθήσεις και αναπηρία είναι το “αόρατο” κομμάτι της κοινωνίας μας; Πιο συγκεκριμένα, οι άνθρωποι με αναπηρία και χρόνιες παθήσεις αποτελούν το 12% της κοινωνίας μας, δηλαδή πάνω από 1 εκατομμύριο κατοίκους.
The Greek Online School
Lessons are delivered via our student-friendly interactive virtual classrooms and we use the most effective and fun method to teach you Greek.
Dogs Voice
Χρησιμοποίησε τα φίλτρα αναζήτησης για να βρεις το σκύλο που θα σου αλλάξει τη ζωή μέσα από χιλιάδες αγγελίες υιοθεσίας φιλοζωικών οργανώσεων και ιδιωτών σε όλη την Ελλάδα.
City Crop
CityCrop was founded by Christos Raftogiannis in 2015. All started derived from an inner need to satiate our requirements for fresh, quality greens and vegetables for which we would feel confident that they have been produced in an environment that would be pesticide free.
The majority of orthopedics products have not been improved for decades and do not support the integration of biometric sensors. Our mission is to change that. Our designs are patient-centered, combining effectiveness with comfort. We make use of innovative technologies in the orthopedic field, giving the opportunity for 24/7 monitoring capabilities.
Aegean Cargo Sailing
The Social Cooperative Enterprise "Aegean Sails" (Istia Aigaiou Koinsep) manages the Aegean Cargo Sailing and SailMed initiatives. Our aim is to promote ecological products sailing transportation, combined with cultural tourism in the Aegean Sea.
Recytrust has created a groundbreaking patented solution that utilizes IoT and Smart Contracts on blockchain technology. Recytrust increases operational efficiency and uncovers economic value in streams of recyclables for businesses. Recytrust helps companies manage their recycling waste effectively while generating revenue for them by auctioning off their generated waste volumes to a certified collectors network.
Staramaki is a social cooperative based in a rural region in Greece that utilizes the most widely produced local product, wheat, to create a viable eco-friendly alternative to single-use plastic straws and at the same time create employment opportunities and promote social cohesion.
Wise Greece
Wise Greece is a multi-awarded social enterprise with a double mission. They help 100 small farmers and food producers grow and export their products, turning the profit from the sales into food supplies for people living under the poverty line in Greece.
Stevia Hellas
Stevia Hellas Coop, is the leading dry stevia leaves producer across Europe. Established and operating in Central Greece, they cultivate stevia in Greece and manufacture final stevia products in France.
Solmeyea is a hybrid AgTech company intersecting with CleanTech, BioTech & Agriculture.
PHEE designs and manufactures unique natural products by recycling the leaves of seagrass (Posidonia Oceanica). It also has a patented technology called PHEE-board, a flat panel made from the same seagrass.
Proud Farm
Proud Farm group of farmers focuses on young people who want to enter the dairy sheep and dairy goat sector. Proud Farm provides a wide variety of training and services to existing dairy sheep and goat farmers from Western Macedonia.
Enaleia is a social enterprise aiming to create a sustainable marine ecosystem while creating jobs for people looking to enter the fishing sector. Back in 2016, Enaleia created the first professional fishing school in Greece.
InCommOn is a non-profit civil company that promotes sustainable and participatory urban development to tackle the problems that Greek cities are facing
Impact Hub
Impact Hub Athens develops tools and initiatives that offer direct service to clients, but at the same time work as platforms for other small, social and innovative entrepreneurs to grow their businesses.
Elektronio Wheels
Elektronio wheels were founded in Thessaloniki in 2015. It designs, develops and manufactures premium electric bicycles following a unique geometry.
Apiceutical’s technology turns the output of bees into overall well-being products (that neutralize free radicals, the no1 cause of aging. Apiceuticals utilizes the “secondary” (not-often-used), but extremely powerful bee ingredients — Propolis, Pollen, Royal Jelly — , proposing a POWERHOUSE ANTIOXIDANT BLEND which works synergistically, offering the World’s Most Antioxidant Holistic Propositions, under a PATENTED method and scientifically proven results.
AFI is a Civil Non-Profitable Company established in 2014 with its mission being to combat economic and social exclusion through the introduction and provision of microfinance services in Greece. AFI aims to provide access to finance and business development services to potential and existing micro-entrepreneurs,.
3S School Synergy Snacks
3S School Synergy Snacks is a social cooperative enterprise working with people facing intellectual disabilities. The team consists of 4 classmates (young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities) from the special vocational education laboratory of Agios Dimitrios. After graduating in 2016 and with their parents and teachers’ encouragement and support, they started producing snacks at their school canteen. Today they are continuing to promote and distribute healthy nut bars in many points of sale across Greece.
APICEUTICALS™ revolutionizes the Skincare Industry by providing the World’s First Scientifically Patented Holistic Bee-Care Brand.
Our AI infused personalized platforms help track productivity and positivity, while inspiring students to learn in a way that works best for them.
Centaur Analytics
Centaur Analytics Inc., founded in 2016, is passionate about perfecting global food quality, enabling abundance, and reducing waste.
Deliverback solves the problem of delivering lost & found items for the hospitality industry.
Our solution is fully automated, easy to use, and streamlines operations between the hotel, the guest, and the courier service.
Excelon is a fin-tech start up, founded in London in July 2018.
Excelon is the friendly, fair, and open banking experience for the digital native.
INOMO is a Greek Luxury Brand offering design and construction solutions to architects and hoteliers in the luxury hospitality and entertainment markets.
MassiveGRID provides Assurance to companies, which rely heavily on IT infrastructures for their operations, through reliable and secure Public and Private High Availability Infrastructures.
Quanta and Qualia
The vision of the company is to lead the technology field by "bridging the visible and the invisible"through its products. The moto of our innovative product (MaGOS) is “Technology in your hands”
Solmeyea is an AgTech company aiming at a large scale algal-based premium Protein production of Animal Feed Supplements for the Livestock Farming.
Xtapod is disrupting the outsourced technical team model by applying business process outsourcing “as a service” principles to an industry that doesn’t serve today’s markets well.
e-NIOS is a spin-off company which emerged from the research activities of the Group of Bioinformatics and Metabolic Engineering of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) in the
areas of Bioinformatics and In Silico Systems Biology.
iKnowHow SA
iKnowHow SA is a high-tech company, focusing on the design and development of products and services in the field of Enterprise Cloud SW Applications.
Incrediblue SMPC
Incrediblue is an award winning, online platform for unforgettable boating holidays.
Yodiwo’s wi-Cloud is a cloud service platform for the Internet of Things which further abstracts the concepts of “Things” to include
existing applications
B2B Wave
B2B Wave is an innovative B2B ecommerce ordering & catalog solution for wholesale distributors & manufacturers.
Kalepso aspires to build a world where all confidential data remain as they should be - private.
WYZZE is a technology company that takes advantage of Apples iBeacon technology and provides a turnkey solution to Digital Marketing and Developers community, under the brand of MiiPharos.
Natech, with strong presence in the areas of financial services and large-scale enterprises, designs - develops and supports integrated IT solutions, aiming at the international market (Banks, Financial Institutions, Microfinance companies, Large enterprises etc.).
Goodvidio offers retailers a simple and powerful Software as a Service (SaaS) solution to leverage the best social video content inside their product pages and optimize customer experience.
Since the 19th century, my family has been milling grains. For five generations, love and dedication to our lands and crops is inherited from one generation to another. Inspired by the Ancient Greeks wisdom, creativity and holistic life approach, I studied their sophisticated diet which was based on wholesome grains.
Owiwi has developed an interactive assessment tool, utilized by hiring managers during the recruitment and selection process.
PD Neurotechnology
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is affecting close to 12 million people worldwide. The severity of the disease and the impact on a patient’s life highly depend on the optimal timing and dosing of the prescribed therapy, which affects the symptoms, the quality of life, the disease progression and the life longevity of the patient.
Elizabeth Daravelis & Co Beautylab
Beautylab will capitalize on the new EU Cosmetic Regulation 1223/09. This law has obliged cosmetic manufacturers to prove their cosmetic claims.
Quantimetrica is a company based in London with a footprint in San Francisco, Austin, US and Athens, Greece.
Econais AE
Econais designs and manufactures easy to use Wi-Fi module solutions that provide connectivity to network agnostic electronic devices.
Sentio Solutions
Sentio Solutions (“Insurance Shaper of the Year” by EXECinsurtech) develops Artificial Emotional Intelligence Feel to change the way we manage Mental Health.
Think Silicon
Think Silicon S.A. is a privately held Semiconductor Intellectual Property (SIP) technology company based and founded in 2007 in Patras (Greece), with a development center in Athens (Greece), WW sales & marketing office in Toronto (Canada) and sales offices in San Jose (CA, North America), Cologne (Germany, EMEA region), Taipei (Taiwan), Tokyo (Japan).
Viral Loops
Viral Loops is a template-based viral and referral-marketing platform helping businesses capture more customers through word-of-mouth sales. People can build referral and ambassador programs and integrate them into their website or mobile app in minutes.
AJMmed-i-caps is a medical technology company that aims to provide a low-cost fluorometric ingestible capsule that can screen the small and large intestine for early-stage cancers marked by molecular probes.
Traditional urban transport systems have significant impact on the environment, on energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions from urban transport are increasing at a faster rate than any other energy-using sector.
Professionals lack the tools to e effectively manage their most valuable asset, their contact network.
Fresh Strips
According to the CDC: “each year, 1 in 6 Americans gets sick by consuming contaminated foods or beverages”, largely due to consuming badly stored food. Fresh Strips can improve food safety.
InSyBio ( is a Bioinformatics Company focusing on the computational biomarker discovery for Cancer, Neurodegenerative diseases and Nutrition. Biomarker extraction from biological big data is essential for drug discovery & research acceleration, personalized medicine and nutrition.
ovidVR is a VC-backed startup aiming to disrupt the healthcare training industry with its innovative Virtual Reality (VR) Surgical Training Solution. ovidVR provides the means for performing operations in VR, thereby facilitating training in a fail-safe environment that very accurately simulates reality and significantly reduces training costs, offering a way to drastically improve operations outcomes.
Roussas Dairy S.A. is built upon a long history of skill and mastery that can be traced back to the family’s nomadic Sarakatsani ancestors.
Tribe Wearables
Tribe develops wearable technology that can analyze muscle and motion activity, and provide actionable feedback to help you maximize your exercise benefits and prevent injuries.
Vyra is an e-business company specializing in the tourism sector and the yacht chartering industry in specific, that was launched in February 2016. Its vision is to provide the ideal platform for sailors and holiday goers to easily discover, book, and enjoy a superior experience on water before, during, and after their trip, and at the best perceived value.
Yumbles ( is the UK’s online marketplace for artisan food and drink. We are committed to making the most delicious, healthy and all-natural food accessible to conscious food eaters across the UK.
A year ago, our team embarked on the journey of fixing the used cars market, a long lasting problematic buy sell process dictated by mistrust issues, mispricing practices and quite bad customer experience.
RTsafe P.C.
RTsafe is a medical technology company that has developed a new approach to quality assurance which significantly enhances the safety and accuracy of radiotherapy for cancer and other medical conditions.
Advantis Medical Imaging B.V. ( Advantis ) offers a highly sophisticated, webbased and user friendly post processing and 3D visualization software suite named “Brainance”, for the processing of three different brain MRI exams: Diffusion,Perfusion and Functional MRI.
blueground is a hospitality start-up aspiring to become one of the global leaders in the dynamic Vacation and Corporate Rental (VCR) market. blueground is creating a technology enabled chain of serviced apartments, houses and villas created by transforming existing residential properties.
Our flagship product is drumatom, the world’s first software for controlling microphone leakage in drum recordings. Microphone leakage (or bleed) occurs when a microphone captures not only the intended sound source but also the nearby sources. is a breakthrough digital service for the Greek market that helps diners discover new restaurants and make instantly confirmed, online table bookings 24/7. is free, does not require the use of credit card and provides users with exclusive privileges and discounts.
Easyhero, formerly, connects customer with the right professional for their project. Whether it’s a plumber, photographer, tutor, web programmer or accountant, all the customer has to do is post his request on Easyhero and within a few minutes he can receive up to 5 quotes from qualified professionals.
Centaur Technologies
Centaur Technologies is a pioneer in IoT solutions for post-harvest product protection. We offer a cloud-based IoT & data analytics solution addressing Intelligent Pest Management ‘apps’ for the food/agro industry.
Yoleni’s is the leading Greek online delicatessen shop in the European and the US markets, very soon to expand onto more global markets.
Pockee is a mobile coupon & loyalty platform for grocery store brands and supermarkets.
Fieldscale’s cutting-edge simulation technology will empower engineers to explore new and improved applications in almost every aspect of human life, from the manufacturing and education to the medical industry and beyond.
Ergon was born in 2007 as a series of Greek traditional products from all corners of Greece. For the first 4 years, we were focused on building and distributing a strong, unique product portfolio.
Zoottle is the leading social infrastructure platform. We solve the four primary problems hotels face today by converting their WiFi liability into a sales and marketing asset.
MCOM Media Communications is one of the leading IT solution providers for the hospitality industry with a suite of products that have applications in the cruise ship, healthcare, transportation and other industries.
Heliix enables companies and individuals to increase performance of existing infrastructure by providi ng state-of-the-art waste heat recovery units, which convert low grade thermal energy to useful electricity.
JoinCargo is an online transport platform connecting businesses
with cargo carriers.
Velo Lab O.E
Velo Lab designs and manufactures bicycles. Since 2012, and after extensive R&D, Velo Lab has developed a uniquely designed urban folding bicycle, under the brand name Folding Project
Salty Bag P.C
Salty bag makes hand crafted travel goods by upcycling decommissioned sails into elegantly designed, reusable fashion accessories. Salty bag’s hand crafted bags(high priced, increasingly
Terra Creta SA
Terra Creta has managed to place itself among the most premium olive oil producers in the world. Unlike most of the olive oil
Park around helps drivers entering a city find cheap parking quickly, while allowing car parks to offer deals and simplify booking.
Bunkering at Sea (BAS) Ltd
Bunkering at Sea (BAS) has created a platform that protects the interests of all stakeholders and enables the integration of a fast
E-satisfaction has been created to bridge the gap between the online business and the online consumer. Starting from e-commerce, the e-satisfaction platform has been designed and developed to reconnect users and businesses in the online world.